Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Mobile Apps

Over the past few decades, computer technology has been developing with an extremely high exponential rate. Human beings are developing the power of computer systems implementing their applications into all parts of our daily life like for production, education, hospitalization, economics, etc using different smart devices.

So, you can think about how Artificial Intelligence can help us, improving our daily life, for this, you first have to know what is Artificial Intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.

One way to understand this is like, human have their brain which helps them to make decisions in daily life with its own level of intelligence, same now happens with the computers, with our Knowlege and Intelligence we have created a brain for computers which now can make decisions and can help us by making our workload less than before.
To make this happen, many researchers and programmers have been worked together and still working to improve it day by day.

Benefits of AI

In addition, in programs using AI, fewer errors and defects are allowed, since artificial intelligence is more universal than human intelligence. The most important thing to say is that the difference between AI and conventional programming is in the presence of "intelligence", in other words, the imitation of a certain level of human thinking. In that way, we avoid only the sequential execution of pre-programmed steps. For example, algorithms with artificial intelligence are used in such search engines as Google.

Some companies teach us how to optimize prices and increase our sales and margins using Artificial Intelligence techniques and dynamic pricing. AI is designed to serve the public good: to moderate publications in social networks(for example, with its help on Facebook, publications that are relevant to the propaganda of terrorism are effectively deleted).

AI in Mobile Applications

Specialists in the field of development of new technologies suppose that Artificial Intelligence, as a symbiosis of science and technology, will later become an integral part of all branches of everyday life, for example, games, speech recognition, handwriting, biometrics, and smart robots, where the last ones have special sensors that identify physical data.

Examples of AI-Applications

If you are the owner of an Android smartphone, you have a virtual assistant in your hands that can perform several tasks simultaneously, such as sending messages, scheduling, using the e-mail, etc. Among the Artificial Intelligence mobile apps that you can use on Android smartphone, you can specify the following ones:
  • voice assistant on the road with AI Robin, which reads text messages, information on the terrain, GPS navigation;
  • Google Smart App for smart messages that helps you solve your problems; also voice assistant for sending emails from AI Cortana to Windows users;
  • a voice search engine and assistant Hound, which allows you to easily and quickly get the information you need.

There are many different voice recognition software created that is based on the working of Artificial Intelligence some examples of them are Google Assistant, Apple's Siri,  Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana, etc., these are the software we all use day to day mostly the Google Assistant and Apple's Siri, as it is pre-installed in our android and Ios smartphone.

AI-camera is another example of an AI-based applications and it is now present in almost every smartphone, it's function is to detect the scene in which a user is taking a shot, know as the scene recognition.

With the increase in processing power in the field of Computer Science, more sophisticated data analysis algorithms have been created. You can find the evidence of it in practice, for instance, the Tetra applicat

What's your thought about Artificial Intelligence? Comment below.


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